Creating A Roof That Promotes Rainwater Collection

Rainwater collection is an option many homeowners are considering. There are several reasons for this option. You may want to reduce your water costs for your gardening and lawn maintenance. You may want to have a supply of water during extreme weather conditions. You may also have a greywater system in your home and the rainwater collection will help boost that system. Creating a roof that promotes rainwater collection is the ideal starting point. Here are some ways your roofing contractor can help with that endeavor. 

Metal Diverter

When you begin looking at options for rainwater collection, you may consider a diverter. Most diverters are metal or PVC. They can be attached to your existing guttering. The concept with the diverter is to take the already present flow of water and direct it to your rainwater catch system. This option goes straight from the guttering into your rainwater catch. That means you do not have as much chance of erosion from guttering and you do not need to worry about flooding from guttering systems during heavy rainstorms. 

Rain Roof

A rain roof is an option if you want more water than a simple gutter and rainwater catch barrel will provide. This roof is placed over your existing roof. It is angled and designed to flow directly into a rainwater run-off catch and into storage tanks or directly into a garden or greywater system. The rain roof helps to catch the vast majority of rainwater it comes in contact with. There are other benefits to this type of roofing as well. For example, it does provide shading for your existing roof which can help lower energy costs. 

Rainwater Guttering

One of the ways to catch a large amount of rainwater without adding a new roof is to use special guttering. There are several options for gutter systems that have rainwater collection in mind. These gutters generally have a debris catch that prevents debris and small animals from entering your gutters. This leaf or debris catch allows water to filter into the gutter and diverts the water to a rainwater catch barrel or storage area. 

These are just a few of the ways your roofing contractor can help you create a roof that promotes rainwater collection. If you are ready to begin any of these methods or you want to hear different methods, contact your roofing contractor. They can schedule a time to assess your roof and discuss options with you.

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About Me

Roofing: Hard Work, and Good Work Very few roofers would say their job is easy. In fact, many describe the work as downright tough! But that does not mean that roofers do not enjoy or value the work that they do. Many workers get satisfaction from working with their hands, and they really enjoy creating a roof from simple materials. They also like the logistical challenges, such as figuring out how to get shingles up on a tall roof, or how to most safely repair a damage gutter. If you'd like to learn more about roofing as a profession, then you've arrived at the right blog.

