4 Steps Involved During Commercial Roof Replacement Projects

It's not uncommon for commercial property owners to not think about their roofs until something goes amiss. Depending on the damage sustained, you might have to replace the entire roof. If your commercial roofer recommends replacing your roof, you might want to learn more about what to expect during the project. Here are critical steps followed during roof replacement projects. 

1. Site Preparation

After deciding what materials you want to install and purchasing them, the contractor will plan and start preparing the site. Preparation often involves property protection by installing a tarp to prevent the waste from damaging other commercial building parts. Therefore, you need to move all your commercial vehicles to create working space for the contractors. You will also need to remove solar panels and any other items installed on the roof.

It might be best to ask employees to work from a different setting to avoid injuries and disturbance during the project. You also need to remove wall decorations and cover your business equipment with plastic sheets to avoid damage. You could rent a dumpster to help with debris collection and maintaining safety at the worksite.

2. Strip Off the Older Roofing System

Once everything is in place, the workers will begin the project by stripping off the old roofing system. Typically, they start at the base of the roof, slowly working their way upwards towards the roofline. The workers will remove all the shingles before getting to the decking and underlayment. The roofer might recommend removing the decking if it is too damaged. 

3. Installation of New Roof Materials

Your roofers will proceed to prepare your roof surface for the new materials. This usually involves removing rusted nails and rotten or damaged wood on the decking, installing underlayment, and fixing the ice shield. It is vital to ensure that the roof surface is stable to avoid trouble in the future. Strong roofing provides reliable support to structures such as solar panels.

The contractors might recommend installing new flashing and vents if necessary. After preparing the roof surface, it should be ready to accommodate the new roofing shingles.

4. Clean-Up

After everything is in place, the crew will remove the tarps and debris, carefully discarding them into the dumpster. The roofers will conduct a final thorough inspection to ensure no flaws and mistakes in the roofing system.

The trick to running a smooth commercial roof replacement project is preparing financially and mentally before the project commences. Now that you know what to expect when you need roofing replacement, set an appointment to start the process.  

Contact a company like Roof Cat to learn more. 

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About Me

Roofing: Hard Work, and Good Work Very few roofers would say their job is easy. In fact, many describe the work as downright tough! But that does not mean that roofers do not enjoy or value the work that they do. Many workers get satisfaction from working with their hands, and they really enjoy creating a roof from simple materials. They also like the logistical challenges, such as figuring out how to get shingles up on a tall roof, or how to most safely repair a damage gutter. If you'd like to learn more about roofing as a profession, then you've arrived at the right blog.

